Logo Treees

Transition lab et Réseau d’Experts Ethiques pour l’Environnement et la Santé

This network was born from the need, which appeared obvious to the HLA firm, to establish common working habits of experts to carry out complex cases, both in the field of consultation and in that of litigation. Indeed, if law is at the heart of operations today, as finance is in another way, complexity calls for the pooling of extremely varied skills. This is why it seemed essential to have a network of experts – judicial or not – from very diverse sectors and sharing the same ethics with regard, in particular, to a sober and sustainable economy.


The objective of the network is very simple: to create common working habits in order to offer better adapted and more efficient services, but also to develop a common reflection on major cross-cutting themes in order to improve the skills of each person.


Pôle Biodiversité Treees

Within the framework of the TREEES network, 5 actors have organised themselves to offer a complete range of services, from carrying out preliminary studies to signing ORE contracts, if necessary, in particular within the framework of the law for the reconquest of biodiversity, nature and landscapes and the ERC sequence, but also of the biodiversity plan published in July 2018, in which an objective of Zero Net Artificialisation (ZAN) is set.

Pôle RSE Treees

The list of companies that are deploying strategies to reduce their carbon emissions in order to comply with the Paris climate agreements is constantly growing. The awareness and impact of climate change, as well as the destruction of life itself, demonstrate the absolute necessity of a solid CSR, well beyond measures identified as greenwashing.

Pôle Produit Treees

The safety of products and therefore the control of their toxicity is a major issue that calls for a multidisciplinary approach. This subject concerns production (ICPE), transport, consumption and also territorial management. It requires scientific knowledge (ecotoxicology, chemistry, biology), medical knowledge and legal knowledge.

Pôle Risques Treees

The explosion of the AZF factory in Toulouse, and more recently the explosion of the Lubrizol factory in Rouen in 2019, and the disaster in Beirut, are constant reminders of the presence of industrial risk, which is all the more significant as our cities have developed by having high population densities and particularly dangerous companies subject to the Seveso high and low threshold legislation coexist in certain areas. Local authorities, industrialists and the population are therefore faced with having to manage a risk that can be major, while trying to reduce it and find a balance between the economic needs of industrialists, other economic needs and the safety of people and property.

Pôle Santé Treees

The subject of environmental health is the third aspect of the ecological challenge, along with climate and biodiversity; it must therefore be taken into account in the same way as these two major subjects by both economic and public players in all their policies, especially since the COVID pandemic has made the link between health and the environment an obvious one and established the issue of health as an absolute priority.

Pôle Urbanisme Treees

The objective is to enable all public and private urban planning and development actors to comprehensively understand the issues they face by integrating the climate, biodiversity and sustainable city issues, including transport issues, while taking into account the traditional legal and technical constraints related to construction, land use and urban planning and the various contractual relationships as well as the resulting liability issues.

Pôle Finance Durable Treees

The climate and environmental emergency calls for an unprecedented financial mobilisation, particularly in terms of the amounts involved. unprecedented financial mobilisation, particularly in terms of the amounts involved: according to the experts, between 3 and 5 trillion dollars per year are needed to finance

According to experts, between 3 and 5 trillion dollars per year are needed to finance the energy and ecological transition transition while ensuring a sustainable and socially acceptable post-COVID economic recovery socially acceptable.

The climate and environmental threat also calls for the means to to better understand and measure the emerging risks that are already beginning to affect economic activities and impact on geopolitical balances: fires, droughts, floods, pollution droughts, floods, pollution, population displacements and pandemics are just the are just the beginning of increasingly uncontrollable upheavals. According to Nick According to Nick Stern, rising temperatures conceal an even more worrying issue: the rise of

uncertainty; leading insurers to declare that they are unlikely to be able to fulfil their to fulfil their role in a world beyond 3° of warming.